As a non-profit organisation associated to the University of Applied Sciences in Oldenburg, Germany, the Institute for Pipeline Construction (iro) acts as an interface between the academic world and the industrial sector on all aspects of pipe technology and operation. Our main fields of activity are:
Institute for pipeline construction
About us
at a glance
A brief introduction
- research and development
- implementing advanced training programs (congresses, seminars, workshops)
- supervision and support of students
- consulting
- knowledge transfer and networking
- publications (iro-monographs, series, articles)
The institute is supported by over 250 associated firms (our members), operating on a non-profit basis.
Oldenburger Rohrleitungsforum (The Oldenburger Pipe Technology Forum)
The "Oldenburger Rohrleitungsforum" is a professional event for advanced vocational training programs and a trade fair in one. It is the most important event in the calendar of the Institute for Pipeline Construction at the Oldenburg University of Applied Sciences.
Around 400 national and international manufacturers, supply and disposal companies, construction and renovation companies, engineering offices, professional associations, service companies and software manufacturers etc present their latest developments and products at the exhibition centre of the Weser-Ems-Hallen in Oldenburg. Exhibition space is available in the exhibition halls and the outdoor area.
A symposium takes place parallel to the exhibition. Approx. 130 leading speakers from the industry present state-of-the-art projects in 30 lecture blocks of 90 minutes each, discuss pressing problems and give the participants insights into current developments in the pipeline industry and a glimpse into the future of the sector. The symposium is accredited for advanced training purposes in accordance with § 6 FuWO (German regulations on professional further training).
iro GmbH Oldenburg
As a 100% subsidiary of the Institute for Pipeline Construction, iro GmbH Oldenburg supports the aims of the institute. iro GmbH Oldenburg sees its role as a research and development partner for all questions surrounding pipe technology and operation, specializing particularly on buried pipes.
Furthermore, iro GmbH Oldenburg also runs an accredited laboratory for material testing in accordance with the German norm DIN EN ISO IEC 17025. Examples of our material testing services are:
- high pressure water jetting
- abrasion resistance tests
- leakproofness tests
- burst trials
- long-term studies
- wastewater heat recovery
- and much more
The iro team constantly strives to develop and implement new test methods and adopt the latest innovations.
In addition, iro GmbH Oldenburg carries out commissioned research projects, participates in international projects, offers product-related training programs and consultations as well as issuing expert reports and assessments.

Example: high pressure water jetting
The jetting resistance test according to DIN 19523 consists of two parts - a material test and a functional test. The hydraulic loads caused by the water jet are shown in the material test. The functional test also takes into account the mechanical loads which occur during high-pressure jetting caused by the nozzle body and the hose.
All test-regulations are:
CEN TR 14920
DIN 19523
DIN EN 295-3
DBS 918 064
WIS 4-35-01
ÖNORM B 5141
For all of these tests, iro GmbH Oldenburg is accredited to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 (Nr. D‐PL‐11107-02-00)
Do not hesitate to contact us for further informations