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DCA Members' Info 04/2024

Invitation to Anniversary event "30 years of DCA"

Dear Judith Blania,

we would like to cordially invite you to the anniversary event on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Drilling Contractors Association (DCA) on Thursday, 20.06.2024,to a sailing trip on the Ijssellmeer near Amsterdam in the Netherlands

Kind regards

Your DCA-Team

Anniversary "30 years of DCA"

Set sail and set course for the Ijsselmeer

We will start at 12.00 with lunch in the Four Elements Hotel in Amsterdam. At 03.00 p.m. it's time to set sail and set course for the Ijsselmeer. Your physical well-being will be taken care of on board. In addition to delicious drinks and snacks, there will be a barbeque on the ship in the evening. After the sailing trip and the return to the hotel, the DCA invites you to a Get-together in the hotel's Sky bar.

We would be delighted to celebrate this day with you.

Now register to the anniversary event

Registration for the event is exclusively digital! Participation is limited to a maximum of 2 employees from one company. Participation is free of charge and only for DCA members.

! Registration deadline is 22. April 2024

Register here

If you have any questions regarding registration, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Antje Quante (a.quante@dca-europe.org).

28th DCA-Annual Congress 2024

"Call for Papers":
Congress topic: ¿HDD ready?

The 28th annual congress of the DCA will be held in Barcelona from 09-11 October 2024 as announced. For the congress program, interesting topic suggestions for presentations are still being sought. Please send us your suggestions inclusive a short abstract until 23.04.2024.


Call for Sponsors

As part of the event, there will also be a three-stage sponsorship for the areas of "Communication", "Networking" and "Social Program". All but one place for the Gold Sponsoring have already been filled. So don't wait too long and book right away!

There are also still places available for the "Silver and Bronze" category. If you are interested, please contact the office.

More about the Sponsoring program

Women empowering HDD

Reminder survey

In the "Women empowering HDD" project, a network of six women has been meeting since October 2023 to develop concrete measures to address the shortage of skilled workers. This includes, for example, a survey that was made available to DCA member companies at the members‘ meeting with the aim of identifying key figures, the role of women in the companies and, if necessary, imponderables.

The survey will run until the end of March 2024. We would like to ask you once again for your participation.

To the survey

37th Oldenburg Pipe Forum 2025

Call for Papers

For the next Oldenburg Pipeline Forum, presentations for the two HDD blocks are again being sought. As always the forum is designed to be a two-day event with a large accompanying trade exhibition with over 400 exhibitors each year. Please send us your topic suggestions to our office by 23.04.2024.

Further Information

17. Nürnberger Informations- und Erfahrungsaustausch zum Rohrvortrieb 2024

DCA represented with HDD lecture

The event "17. Nürnberger Informations- und Erfahrungsaustausch zum Rohrvortrieb" will take place on 18.04.2024 at the TÜV Rheinland Academy, Tillystr. 2, 90431 Nuremberg. The DCA will be represented by board member Marco Reinhard as a speaker with a lecture on the topic of "HDD in der Praxis".

Further Information
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Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG // Information According § 5 TMG:
Verband Güteschutz Horizontalbohrungen e.V. (DCA)
Drilling Contractors Association
Association des Entrepreneures de Forage Dirigé
Charlottenburger Allee 39
52068 Aachen
Vertreten durch // Authorised to represent executive board:
1. Vorsitzender // President: Jorn Stoelinga
2. Vorsitzender // Vice-President: Marco Reinhard
Schatzmeister: Jürgen Muhl
Kontakt // Contact
Phone: +49 241 9019290
Fax: +49 241 9019299
E-Mail: dca@dca-europe.org
Web: www.dca-europe.org