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Members‘ Info – 09/2024:
Invitation to the 28th DCA Annual Congress 2024

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

the Drilling Contractors Association (DCA) is holding its 28th Annual Congress this year, to which we would like to cordially invite you to Barcelona. From 09th to 11th October 2024, members, partners and friends of the DCA will meet at Catalonia Barcelona Plaza hotel for interesting technical presentations and to exchange experiences.

We would be delighted to welcome a large number of our members.


Kind regards

Your DCA-Team

Invitation to the 28th DCA Annual Congress 2024 - Barcelona

The motto of the 28th Annual Congress is:

“¿HDD ready?”

Sponsors 2024

The event is supported by the following DCA members as sponsors:
We would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their support!

Information about the program

The 28th DCA Annual Congress will start on Wednesday with two optional city tours in Barcelona. In the evening, after the dinner, a "Get Together" is planned in the hotel.

We would particularly like to draw your attention to the evening meeting of the ‘Women Empowering HDD’ group, which will take place on Wednesday, 9 October 2024 at 6.15 pm not far from the hotel in the Nudos cocktail bar. All interested women from the HDD industry are cordially invited to attend the meeting.

Thursday will again start with an interesting guest lecture. This year the DCA was able to win the social psychologist and generational expert Dr Kim Jansen, who will speak on the topic "Generations @ work". Further specialist presentations on projects of the company Red Eléctrica de España and on the topic of SuedLink are on the programme.

As already successfully organised last year, a panel discussion will take place again this year. The title of the panel discussion, which is divided into two blocks, is "How to attract and keep people in the industry?".

The moderator will once again be the journalist Dr.In Antje Wöhnke and co-moderated by President Jorn Stoelinga. The panel discussion will be held in English and accompanied by simultaneous translation (German/English). Block 1 of the panel discussion will deal with the topic "How to attract people in the industry?". Block 2 will be on "How to keep people in the industry?".

As is tradition, presentations on current HDD projects from Europe and a presentation from Brazil are planned for Friday. The congress will again be accompanied by an attractive spouse programme. As always the highlight of the spouse programme will be Thursday evening. This year the DCA invites you to the Hotel Miramar, Barcelona.


Please note:

Due to the very good response in the course of the past annual congress and the overall limited capacity in the hotel in Barcelona, DCA members will generally have priority for registration until the registration deadline. Registration for non-members will be activated at a later date, depending on the registration situation.

As last year, registration from members for the congress will be exclusively digital. Please use for registration the following link.

There you will find the programme brochure, information on the companion programme, information for travelling and room booking and a room reservation form to send back to the congress hotel. Please make your room reservation directly through the congress hotel.

Please note: The DCA has extended the room contingent at the hotel to the 41st week (07.10-13.10).

Registration for speakers/participants on the podium

Members giving a lecture at the annual congress or involving at the podium discussion (podium) will be contacted separately by the office. Registration via the portal is not necessary.

Please note! The registration deadline is 03rd September 2024. 

If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact our office in Aachen (contact: Dipl.-Geol. Antje Quante, a.quante@dca-europe.org).

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Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG // Information According § 5 TMG:
Verband Güteschutz Horizontalbohrungen e.V. (DCA)
Drilling Contractors Association
Association des Entrepreneures de Forage Dirigé
Charlottenburger Allee 39
52068 Aachen
Vertreten durch // Authorised to represent executive board:
1. Vorsitzender // President: Jorn Stoelinga
2. Vorsitzender // Vice-President: Marco Reinhard
Schatzmeister: Jürgen Muhl
Kontakt // Contact
Phone: +49 241 9019290
Fax: +49 241 9019299
E-Mail: dca@dca-europe.org
Web: www.dca-europe.org