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DCA Members' Info 10/2024:
Registration for the 28th annual congress is open

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, 

registration for DCA members for the 28th DCA Annual Congress, which will take place in Barcelona from October 9 to 11, 2024, is in full swing. You have received the information in our Members' Info 09/2024. Registration for the congress is exclusively digital.

Over 100 people have already registered for the event in Barcelona. We are delighted at the great interest shown by our members. Registration is still open until September 03. To ensure your participation, we recommend registering as soon as possible.

Click here to register

The motto of the 28th annual conference is: "¿HDD ready?" As successfully held last year in Leipzig, a panel discussion will again take place in addition to interesting presentations on current HDD topics. The title of the panel discussion, which is divided into two blocks, is "How to attract and keep people in the industry?".

Kind regards

Your DCA-Team

The DCA reports

17th Nuremberg exchange of information and experience on pipe jacking

DCA Vice-President Marco Reinhard reports on the 17th exchange of information and experience on pipe jacking at the LGA premises in Nuremberg, which was once again attended by around 125 participants and many exhibitors.

Read the full article here

New members introduce themselves


PERFORATOR has been supplying a wide range of Horizontal and Vertical Drilling Technologies for over 30 years. The company's core competence lies in Auger Boring Technology, Drill Pipes and Accessories, Disc Cutters and Injection Technology.

Further information about the company

The Oldenburg Pipe Forum 2025

Lectures requested

We would like to remind you once again to submit presentations for the two HDD lecture blocks of the Oldenburg Pipe Forum 2025. You can still submit your proposals until 20th August. Thank you very much for your support.

Further information about the Forum

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Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG // Information According § 5 TMG:
Verband Güteschutz Horizontalbohrungen e.V. (DCA)
Drilling Contractors Association
Association des Entrepreneures de Forage Dirigé
Charlottenburger Allee 39
52068 Aachen
Vertreten durch // Authorised to represent executive board:
1. Vorsitzender // President: Jorn Stoelinga
2. Vorsitzender // Vice-President: Marco Reinhard
Schatzmeister: Jürgen Muhl
Kontakt // Contact
Phone: +49 241 9019290
Fax: +49 241 9019299
E-Mail: dca@dca-europe.org
Web: www.dca-europe.org